Ever wanted to learn a handstand but not sure where to start? Maybe you are a fitness instructor looking for new methods for helping out your students? Or perhaps you are just a fitness enthusiast looking for some guidance on learning a new skill?
Check out my free beginner handstand workshop. This is completely free and will be taught via the Zoom platform.
Yes it’s completely free. There is no catch. You don’t even have to sign up for my email list. The workshop content will feature real authentic information from an experienced perspective. No sales pitches!
If you can’t make the live class, that’s OK. I’ll post up the recording afterwards.
None. All levels of ability are welcome. I’m going to give exercise variations for all levels.
Equipment Required:
Just some floor and wall space.
Content Covered:
-Warmup and Physical Preparation
-Basic Conditioning and Coordination for Strong Arm Support
-Shoulder Flexibility Assessment and Development
-Importance of Handstand Alignment
-How to get comfortable with Inversion
-Bailouts and getting over the fear
-Wall Handstand Guidance
-Overall training advice and troubleshooting
Class Limitations:
I am running the class as a “zoom meeting”, which has a limit of 100 participants. I don’t know what kind of interest there will be, but in the case it is greater than 100, it will be first come first serve for the live class. If the interest is much greater than that, I may consider upgrading my Zoom account to “webinar” status.
Below is the information on how to join:
Yuri Marmerstein is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Beginner Handstand Workshop
Time: May 29, 2022 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 826 7359 6291
Passcode: 898616
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Meeting ID: 826 7359 6291
Passcode: 898616
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